Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Samé is Not Lamé

Would it surprise you to learn gold lamé is inspired by Medieval cloth of the real stuff? Probably not. It's come a long way from clothing Jewish high priests in ephods. Not to mention, fencer's jackets. 

When you wear gold lamé (not silver, copper or bronze), do you feel differently? And we're assuming you do wear it or you wouldn't have read this far. If it doesn't make you feel differently, why bother? And since it does, how would you describe it? 

Pearl has a hunch it makes us feel differently not because of Elvis. But because of our hard-wiring back to the Middle Ages. Our bodies know lamé isn't real gold but our minds, ahh our minds, have a faint memory of this fine cloth unlike any other.
And that is to what we are responding.

And if a shiny polyester fabric with a metallic sheen the color of sunlight brings something back, is that so terrible?

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